Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

My Perspective

Author:Diana Cassady
Posted:12/22/1998; 11:51:01 AM
Topic:DaveNet comments
Msg #:1627 (In response to 1607)
Prev/Next:1626 / 1628

I wrote this the week of December 14, 1998. Writing sometimes helps me sort things out. I was thinking about posting this to my website, but my website is for business and I don't believe business and politics should be mixed. Thanks, Dave, for giving me an outlet.

I am not a political person. I am a business person. However, the current political crisis in our country impacts all aspects of our society and can’t be ignored.

I’ve been listening to the impeachment hearings. They’re hard to listen to, but I feel this is a serious matter that everyone needs to be informed about. Congress is arguing about throwing out the leader of our country and polls say that 70 percent of the American people don't want it to happen.

I never voted for Clinton, but I respect the rule of the majority who elected him to office twice. I have listened to both sides of the case. It has been examined from every angle. Members of Congress are spending our tax dollars rehashing the same arguments. It is clear that Clinton lied under oath, but he never should’ve been given that oath and asked those questions to begin with.

The case that sparked the Ken Starr investigation was petty. Clinton probably dropped his pants in front of Ms. Jones, but I find it hard to believe that she was so devastated as to need years to recover before she could finally bring it to light, after her perpetrator happened to be elected to the top office of our country.

The investigation wandered into irrelevant, personal information. The fact that Clinton accepted Monica Lewinsky’s invitation into an affair has nothing to do with inappropriate overtures he made to Jones years ago.

The argument that if Clinton lies about his sex life, he'll lie about other things is invalid, regardless of the situation in which he lied. People are not one-dimensional. Clinton lied in a situation that he never should have been put in.

There are two injustices against Clinton in this situation. One is that Ken Starr was allowed to spend millions of our tax dollars chasing Clinton's dirty little secrets using illegal tapes and consulting with Jone’s attorneys to entrap Clinton into lying under oath. The second is that Clinton does not have any decent legal advisors. Otherwise, the whole thing would’ve been settled long ago and Clinton never would’ve had to testify in front of the grand jury. There are people in prison for lying under oath. Their situations were different. There are also people who are not in prison that probably would be if they didn’t have good lawyers. Lawyers that said, “Objection your honor, irrelevant.”

That sums up this expensive Washington D.C. circus. It's irrelevant. The President’s sexual escapades are not my concern. What is my concern is that Congress is spending our tax dollars arguing over a petty investigation that went too far. Polls show that 70 percent of the American people in this country do not want him impeached and just want this whole thing over with. If this country is truly a democracy, majority should rule and we should stop this nonsense.

Having not voted for Clinton to begin with, I don't care if he remains in office. I don't see how he could do much better than Gore with his dirty laundry aired all over the world. I would just as soon see him resign. I just want the circus to end so Congress can get on with issues that people really care about. Whichever party gives up first is the one I will admire most. If both sides refuse to listen to the people's preference and keep wasting our tax dollars arguing about sex and lies, this country can no longer call itself a democracy.

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