Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Re: 4 hours to 5 minutes, disk hashing?

Author:David Valentine
Posted:6/11/1999; 10:09:58 AM
Topic:$15,000 to Burn
Msg #:7213 (In response to 7194)
Prev/Next:7212 / 7214

Sound more like a virtual memory/disk hashing problem. Memory equal in both machines?

Memory is a big thing. One grad I knew had a program that took a week to run (text processing, indexing algorithms and other relationships on netnews). On a new machine, it took 2 days. When half the machine memory was reconfiged as a file (eg the file was all in memory), it took 3 hours. This was a new alphaserver with 4 gigabytes of memory, and digital unix. Ah, the tricks you can use to tune performance.

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