Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Re: Tigh*t*er My.Userland.Com UI?

Author:Jim Roepcke
Posted:6/17/1999; 1:48:12 PM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 6/17/99
Msg #:7537 (In response to 7530)
Prev/Next:7536 / 7538

I remember you saying on SN that it had become an unofficial channel, when they had the underground channels, before they announced that anyone could make one.

I've had it there ever since.

Do you collect referrer information in your server logs? If so you should see how much traffic is getting directed to you from them.

I'm glad the screenshot was useful. I still don't have a firm grasp of what kind of channel-aggregator intends to become, so I wasn't sure if the style would apply well to your plans.

I think it would be great to have a toggle on each "fat" scripting news 2 format channel for turning on and off the non-link text.

That way, I could decide how much detail I want to see... maybe for some channels, I do want the full text, but for others I just want text.

I could see setting up SN to be the entire left column (thinking about the layout here, but on of my page, with full text turned on, and then have the other channels -- /., CamWorld, MacCentral, etc. just as links in the other columns.


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