Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

A Contrarian View

Author:Andrew Peterson
Posted:5/13/2000; 9:16:38 PM
Topic:Million Mom March and the Internet
Msg #:17286 (In response to 17266)
Prev/Next:17285 / 17288

Certainly the Internet is unparalleled as a medium for grass-roots organization. Still I feel compelled to say I think the Moms are terribly misguided, and what they're doing is going to hurt this country more than help it.

As someone who has never owned a gun and who is not a member of the NRA or any like-minded organization, I'd like to offer some heretical thoughts:

Perhaps guns are used far more often to prevent crime and the taking of life than to commit crime.

Perhaps the media seldom cover stories like this because such stories are not as inherently dramatic as those which involve bloodshed or loss of life.

Perhaps the resulting picture the general public has of the "gun violence problem" is, therefore, grossly distorted.

Perhaps the media covers the NRA unfairly. When was the last time you saw a story in which someone brandished a gun and thereby ended an encounter with a criminal -- without violence, without bloodshed. And if you have seen such a story, when was the last time you saw the storyteller rush off and ask Handgun Control Inc. to comment on it (reporters always ask the NRA to comment on gun massacres, as if the NRA somehow encourages or approves of them).

Perhaps the trend we have in this country whereby grieving parents are allowed to be the instigators of crime legislation is a dangerous one, which will ultimately lead us, step by step, into totalitarianism.

Thank you for your time and attention.

- Andrew Peterson

PS - The Second Ammendment Sisters are also marching on Mothers' Day.

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