Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Is an Urban Legend & ULs CAN Be Dangerous (was Re: Cheney?)

Author:Erik L. Neu
Posted:9/26/2000; 12:04:57 PM
Msg #:21733 (In response to 21701)
Prev/Next:21732 / 21734

I think saying this "smacks" of an internet legend would be a generous understatement. The signature element is there: 'please send this letter to as many people as you can.' It's like a virus hoax.

I doubt it was developed by the Gore campaign, but I also would bet at stiff odds that it was started by a Gore supporter.


Granted, Cheney has proven not to be a big asset to the campaign. Granted, Powell or McCain would be a much more compelling ticket-mate. But if either of them had been available, interested and acceptable, they would have been the pick in the first place, and we wouldn't be sitting here discussing Cheney.

What has changed that would make either of them interested in the nomination now? Yes, party loyalty is a minimally plausible answer, but still quite improbable.

Quayle was a much more serious liability, and he didn't get dumped, not even the second time around (though I think there was real consideration within the party and Bush team of replacing him on the ticket the second time).


I deplore urban legends. Many people seem to think they are harmless, even fun. I disagree. Tall tales (e.g., Paul Bunyan) ARE harmless fun. The difference is that everybody knows tall tales are just tales. Many people accept urban legends as truth.

We are blessed to live in a safe, secure, rich, largely tolerant, diverse nation. So urban legends here don't tend to work too much mischief. However, I maintain that it is not such a great leap from urban legends such as this, to toxic mythology, such as:

"The mark of Satan is upon Jews; they have horns under their curly hair"

"Croats eat Serbian children" and vice-versa

"International adoptions that bring children to the United States are a cover--those children are brought in so their organs can be harvested"

"These Salem women are witches"

Free vaccination problems are a plot by the government to kill poor children

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