Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Re: Criminal Sexuality
Posted:12/15/1998; 11:28:31 AM
Topic:DaveNet comments
Msg #:1246 (In response to 1212)
Prev/Next:1245 / 1247

Gosh I hope I can pull this off. I'd love to be able to reply to this issue without resorting to technicalities on the one hand, and overblown rhetoric on the other (Sorry Dave). But I have to say, as a nation, we are being pretty silly about this. I don't believe we have at issue the sanctity of truth, the credibility of our cherished institutions, even our national ego. No, I think this is about politics, its about dealing with embarasement, its about public humiliation, dissappointment, and our need to somehow make ammends. And if we want to start at the begining of the issue and find some reason or understanding of "what its all about" I suggest we ask ourselves why we wanted to know about Clinton's sex life to begin with. Was it really to protect some innocent from alledged harassment? Unfortunately, I think the inertia behind this whole folly is our public delight in scandal. That we live in a world where a juicy allegation (true or not) can bring in substantial sums from media mercenaries reveals something fundamental about us as a people that overshadows our hallowed institutions and unreproachable values. We're curious, perhaps a little depraved (but thats someone else's value judgment), we crave information, especially priviledged information. And when we go further in our hunger for dirt then our ideologies can stomach, we get embarassed, we search, we cling for some moral highground to distance us from the ugliness we've uncovered. Don't blame Bill. He's as human, as curious, as fallable as any of us. He may not have excersized exemplary judgement, but its a test which is outside the periphery of his public duties. I'm not condoning his behavior, or his answers, I'm just saying that we should all accept responsibility for asking inappropriate questions. Instead of expecting our leaders to live above our own ethic, perhpas we can rise to the occasion and teach our leaders that we are less interested in scandal, more interested in the running of our nation. We have a practical choice from the midst of an unfortunate situation. We can choose to pursue this matter to its sullied finale, which will play itself out months from now with uncertain verdict; or we can rise above the situation, choose to place the needs of the nation and the world above feelings of shame, embarasement, and indignation which drive us to pursue this mess. I am personally dissapointed with Bill's handling of the whole incident, but compared to those who persecute him, our president comes off looking almost virtuous. But this is not a contest, its not a piety poll, its about self governing. An end which in my mind is much better served by a clemency then by due process.

OK, so I not sure I skirted the overblown rhetoric, but I do feel better for trying...

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