Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Censorship and Choice

Author:Matthew Barger
Posted:1/19/1999; 7:28:31 AM
Topic:Frontier on MacOS X Server
Msg #:2236 (In response to 2231)
Prev/Next:2235 / 2237

As I read Dave's response to the pressure he is getting from his readers to drop non-Frontier topics from Scripting News, my heart falls heavy. One would think that at the closing of a busy century, and the beginning of a brand new millenium, we would have moved past these calls for personal censorship.

I once read that all great artists, have truly no choice in terms of their creativity. They are empowered by a boldness and a spark running so deep within themselves, that not unleashing that fire is painful. Dave Winer is just one of those millions of artists deeply compelled to do the things they do. Bravo, Dave and thank you.

As Scripting News readers and Frontier users we have no choice on what Dave posts to HIS site. But we do have a choice on what we choose to read. If you just want to skim through the XML-RPC stuff, then just read that. If you want just Frontier information, then just skim to the Frontier stuff. I really don't understand the difficulty in that. I personally like all of Scripting News. But if I find that Dave is digging into a topic in which I'm not 100% invested in, I just glance over it. Thankfully the format of this site lends itself for quick browsing.

And if you are a Froniter developer or consultant and wish for your clients to get a straight dish into "Frontier-only" information then reference them to the Frontier 5 site or the Userland site directly. And then just tell them about the editorial content of Scripting News. They'll understand. My friends, please have faith in the intellects of others.

I'm very thankful for Scripting News. I don't know many other sites that are this current and that I always find 99.9% useful day-in and day-out. Thanks again Dave. Keep digging my friend. Some of us REALLY DO appreciate it; all of it.

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