Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Junk in URLs and link-rot

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:3/8/1999; 6:47:04 PM
Topic:Unique vs. Generic URLs
Msg #:3826 (In response to 3825)
Prev/Next:3825 / 3827

An interesting sidebar, someone should rate sites by how their URLs work. Is it easy to figure out the logic behind the URL? Ten points off for sites that bury content in frames, and twenty points off if they try to defeat people pointing around the frame. Get a CMS already, or at least a SSI-capable server.

Do they have things like yr/mo/dy in them that cause you to worry about link-rot? Do they encode a lot of junk in the URL? Why do they do it? (I recently heard an explanation that a lot of the junk in some URLs is that way to defeat AOL's caching.) There's a whole bunch of research to be done here.

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