Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

DG Rankings

Author:Ian Beatty
Posted:3/10/1999; 2:24:20 PM
Topic:DG Rankings
Msg #:3910
Prev/Next:3909 / 3911

Just a stray thought... It would be amusing to see a list of all DG members with the number of posts they have made (perhaps even broken down into new topics and replies), and ranked by number of posts. Dave Winer would clearly top the list, but I'd be interested to see who else is up there.

Since a member's profile page lists the posts they have made, this information is obviously available and reasonably accessible to mainResponder. It shouldn't be too hard to write the code, although generating and sorting the list realtime may hit the server too hard. Maybe only listing the top 10 or 20 would reduce the sorting overhead?

Deal: if someone comes up with the script and UserLand implements it, I'll work up a quick statistical analysis including histogram and post it.

-- Ian (who's into statistics, especially histograms, although he really should be spending the time on his thesis right now)

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