Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

FAQ links on documentation tree

Author:Stan Purington
Posted:5/3/1999; 7:20:49 AM
Topic:FAQ links on documentation tree
Msg #:5552
Prev/Next:5551 / 5553

As I go through the online documentation I find myself continuously refering to the frontier support and scriptmeridian maillists for answers to problems that seem to pop up when I try to follow the instructions. In most cases I find that I am not the first person to encounter the problem.

I think it might be nice to have a 'FAQ' link on each page of the instructions which would link to a list of questions relating to the current page and allowing entry of a question if one doesn't find the answer already there. In otherwords, a discussion group linked to each page of the documentation, context sensitive help.

One problem I find with the mail lists is that it is sometimes difficult to follow the entire thread, or maybe the final solution is not listed. With a discussion group style FAQ, the final solution might be posted as a response at the top level, eliminating a lot of reading for someone searching for answers.

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