Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Re: WebEdit and MacOS/Windows mix

Author:Sean P. Floyd
Posted:11/11/1999; 3:43:05 AM
Topic:WebEdit and MacOS/Windows mix
Msg #:12984 (In response to 12567)
Prev/Next:12983 / 12985


I'm not really deep into WebEdit, but I've been asking the same question half a year ago, and I heard there is a callback mechanism in WebEdit. My suggestion would be (if that works, I haven't checked the callback interface):

Add a callback to the macs that converts to Latin1 before sending and one that converts from latin1 after receiving, no matter what the other side runs. Converting back and forth is easy on the mac, because there is a UCMD that does just that.


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