Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Hosting and Free Speech

Author:Ralph Hempel
Posted:5/9/2000; 9:15:26 AM
Topic:Hosting and Free Speech
Msg #:17128
Prev/Next:17127 / 17129

I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said that his critics (of his newspaper) had every right to complain, but that he didn't have a duty to provide a forum for them. Amen.

The previous is snipped out of a reply Dave made to a message on the Flounder site.

Two things that I think clarify my own opinion on the whole free speech thing:

1. Ben Franklin's message is true in today's world. In his time, the owner of a press could manipulate public opinion since he controlled the only news outlet for most people. Today, you can get your news from many sources, and there is even less reason for a host/publisher to take any crap.

2. If someone thinks that their message is important enough to make it public, set up your own PC to serve up the content and pay for your own full-time connection. Don't put up content just because you can. Someone is paying for it, and it's not you if the site is free.

OK, three things...

3. As a guest, it's considered good form to not s**t in your host's house.

'Nuff said. Maybe point 3 could be the foundation of a hosting agreement.

Cheers, Ralph Hempel - P.Eng.

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