Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Metallica == pathetic clueless losers?

Author:Jacob Levy
Posted:5/12/2000; 9:24:04 AM
Topic:Metallica == pathetic clueless losers?
Msg #:17249
Prev/Next:17248 / 17250

Re Dave's flame directed at the Music Industry, here is a direct quote from Napster's message board:

Of course metallica are within their right to pursue copyright protection for their works. But noone can convince me that they are going to end up with productive results.

It seems to me if metallica had done any research into what is going on with napster & gnutella, they would have come to the conclusion that "setting legal & ethical parameters" or "maintaining control" is the exact opposite of what is taking place. Its like they are trying to stop a freight train by sticking their arm out in front of it.

In the end they might ban a few users here & there. They might even stop their material from being traded on this program. But what they are going to really end up with, is 1,000 times as many ex-fans who are pissed off & will cease to support them in any form.

So if you add the cost of lawyers fees + lost revenue from outraged fans, not to mention the fact that their music will still be traded just as easily even without napster, it seems that they are going to lose more than if they had just given a thought to embracing the technology & finding a way to make it work for them.

Amen, bro'.

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