Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 8/14/2000

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:8/14/2000; 7:28:27 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 8/14/2000
Msg #:19698
Prev/Next:19697 / 19699


Motley Fool: "Authors still perform a valuable service by creating intellectual property. Publishers perform an increasingly useless service, copying information that individuals who own computers connected by the Internet can copy on their own."

I spoke briefly on the phone this afternoon with Clay Shirky, columnist for Feed, professor and startup-advisor. He wrote an op-ed piece in the NY Times about Napster that remains one of my anthems. We see eye-to-eye on where this is going, and the importance of the Internet's version of radio. He also pointed out that Napster has more members than AOL. An interesting statistic for sure. (The power of music, again.)

The second edition of the XML 1.0 spec is up for review on the W3C site. (It's not a new version of XML, just a new version of the spec.)

News.Com: AOL's Linux Software Leaks.


Hey I found the Billboard Top 100 for 1961-72.

Today's song: It's In His Kiss. Shoop shoop!

In 1960, the Chiffons formed at James Monroe High School in the Bronx, New York

Radio UserLand does bookmarks 

Yesterday Radio UserLand got a feature I've wanted for a long time, Bookmarks.

They work just like Bookmarks in a Web browser. Put the cursor on something you want to remember. Choose a command, give it a name, click on OK.

When we're done, it will be a browser and authoring tool. To be a browser, you gotta have bookmarks.

UserLand viewed through a Notes lens 

Russ Lipton is a Lotus Notes developer who has discovered UserLand, our philosophy, software, and publications. It's been great to watch him process our stuff, I've always wondered how our work compares to Notes, and Russ is giving us some insight.

One of the first things Russ wanted was a whitepaper, but I haven't gotten around to writing one, so Russ took on the job. We want feedback and help. Is this useful? Do you want to contribute to the process?

We both feel that given that UserLand is a community as well as a company that the story would best be told by the community. Maybe this is not right, or perhaps now's not the time?

Jakob does a weblog? 

Jakob Nielsen says he's not running a weblog. Hmmm. Looks like a weblog to me. Now Jakob what if I wanted to point to your comments for August 8 (I do), there's no "permalink" to that bit of your weblog (the one that's not a weblog).

I gotta drink more coffee when I write Scripting News. Yesterday I said that Netscape was the first browser. Bad Dave! Mosaic was not even the first browser. Luckily, according to Jakob, I didn't blow it too bad, because Mosaic called them Bookmarks too, not Favorites.

Survey: Should Jakob Nielsen have a weblog?

I realized later that a better question would have been Does Jakob Nielsen already have a weblog?

Bees and more 

Microsoft has a whitepaper on content management. (Thanks to Phil Suh for the pointer.)

A proposal to add namespaces and RDF to RSS.

More than I ever wanted to know about yellowjackets.

This page was archived on 6/13/2001; 4:56:04 PM.

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