Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 8/15/2000

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:8/15/2000; 7:02:57 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 8/15/2000
Msg #:19721
Prev/Next:19720 / 19722

New feature: How links work in Radio UserLand.

Economist: Son of Netscape.

More evidence that the open source bubble has burst. ";->"

Eric Kidd's open source dilemma.

Next Radio UserLand feature: Chat. (Using the outliner of course.) I did my first chat at about 8:45PM with David Brown. I'll write more about it tomorrow.

Today's song: Dream A Little Dream Of Me.

Jeremy Bowers has done something very innovative with Radio UserLand. He's turned his history.xml file into a weblog. It's time for a callback so users' scripts can catch the history flow and turn it into any kind of XMLization they want.

BTW, this is what I meant the other day about having a tool to go with every XML format. The outlineDocument format puts the power in users hands because there's a tool with an easy hood-lift, you don't need a degree in rocket science to figure it out, it just sneaks up on you. "If he can do it, so can I."

OK, now here's a screen shot of Jeremy's history.xml file, integrated with the user hierarchy on OurFavoriteSongs.Com. The XML is a constantly changing, so don't expect to see exactly what's in the screen shot.

It's an exciting time! Our users are trying things before we thought of them. Yesterday Aaron Swarz tried to open Scripting News in Radio UserLand. It almost worked!

BTW, Aaron is 14. He's the next Wes Felter, imho. ";->" (The next Woz, again imho.)

I got an email from Aaron correcting me. He's 13, not 14! I told him that I first met Wes when he was roughly that age. I didn't meet Woz until he was in his 30s. (He just turned 50 last week.)

WSJ: Writers sue Web publishers. "Free-lance writers, long among the least powerful and lowest-paid members of the media, recently have taken a more-activist stance in trying to get paid when one of their works is downloaded over the Internet."

Edd Dumbill thinks that RSS should become RDF.

Michael Rose: Why is RDF Hard?

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