Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 8/16/2000

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:8/16/2000; 7:32:19 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 8/16/2000
Msg #:19756
Prev/Next:19755 / 19757

Trawling around My.UserLand 

I'm building an upstream file for RSS people, browsing My.UserLand and finding lots of new channels.

I found a channel for Xerox PARC, the place where GUIs were developed in the 1970s.

Paul Nakada submitted several channels that were queries on Yahoo, including one for SOAP, one for UserLand and XML.

I am inspired by Black Hole Brain in a whole new way.

So what was the purpose of all this trawling? To see how RSS integrates with the World Outline concept. It works pretty well.

Then Brent released the new app with the color icons, it looks a lot nicer with a bit of color. BTW, it loads the icons from a folder, so users can change the icons easily. Please do!

Doc at LinuxWorld 

Doc Searls: "Eazel is a Finder. It fills the same role for Linux that the Finder has for Apple since Andy wrote it back in the late Pleistocene and Susan gave us all those pixel-perfect icons."

Manila docs in PDF 

Ken Dow has converted the Manila user's guide to PDF for easy printing.

Thanks Ken!

Today's feature 

New feature: How chat works in Radio UserLand.

Now you might ask "What's chat doing in a music-aware content management system?"

Just ask Thomas Dolby..

Today's song 

Thomas Dolby: She Blinded Me With Science.

Tomorrow's features 

Murphy-willing tomorrow Radio UserLand will have news feeds, in outlines, of course. A kind of personal aggregator.

How to visualize it. Look at this page, and imagine the same content in an outliner. This could also be the test-bed for new publish-and-subscribe features for syndicated content. I have an inkling this will be easy. We'll see how it goes.

At 4PM, it's working!

Another new feature coming in the next few hours, customizable color icons. We look forward to passing this version on to people who do colorful icons.

The future of RSS 

There's been discussion on the Syndication mail list on eGroups of new formats to succeed RSS 0.91.

There's been a specific proposal which I pointed to on Monday. I asked for an A-B comparison, so here's Flavor A, and here's Flavor B.

Comment on the Syndication mail list.

I had some comments here on my role in the continuation of RSS, at the end of the day, all I want to say is this, I have no idea where RSS is going, and I want to take some time away from it, keep doing the music stuff, new content tools, and play with some ideas, and get back to you in a couple of weeks.

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