Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Another take on IP

Author:Andrew Duncan
Posted:9/2/2000; 11:10:41 PM
Topic:Another take on IP
Msg #:20753
Prev/Next:20752 / 20754

To paraphrase Engels, "a sufficient quantitative change may lead to a qualitative change."

Regarding IP, there a couple of related quantitative changes underway on the internet:

  • The number of nodes on the network is increasing rapidly
  • The amount of information available to those nodes is also increasing rapidly
  • To suggest that these changes will not lead to a radical reshaping of society and its laws is, to say the least, a questionable proposition.

    How then would you expect "theft" to be defined, morally and legally, in say twenty years?

    It's obvious, I trust, that I'm just floating a balloon here... don't think that I'm a dot-commie just because I'm quoting Engels. :o)

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