Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

FAQ: Do you love Microsoft?

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:2/27/1999; 8:23:40 AM
Topic:Mail to the Future Server Functionality
Msg #:3291 (In response to 3290)
Prev/Next:3290 / 3292

Before anyone complains, yes we know that we're developing software that requires Microsoft clients at both ends. Only MSIE 5 supports XML-RPC. And I am told that only Outlook and Outlook Express will work with the DHTML we generate in the message.

I've asked Marc Canter to write a brief white paper explaining how this is forward-looking. It's not our intent to only work with Microsoft clients for all time. We intend to point to a future where bandwidth realities are taken into account. Quite a few people have 56K and more. DSL is becoming more common. Corporate intranets run at T1-or-greater speeds, the same with cable modems.

We hope to create a demo app that's studied in board rooms and at analyst and product planning meetings. To show the rest of the industry what's possible when bandwidth is embraced, when you design *above* the least common denominator. That's how we will create updraft in the clogged-up and slow standards process of 1999. We want to generate excitement among other developers to coalesce around a new layer of functionality that embraces bandwidth. XML-RPC support is a very key element.

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