Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 5/3/99

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:5/3/1999; 5:34:18 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 5/3/99
Msg #:5549
Prev/Next:5548 / 5550

New Media interviews literary agent John Brockman. "So describe for me your idea of a new site devoted to cutting-edge thinking. The person who understands this best is Dave Winer." Thanks!

Bob Metcalfe: "I urge that ICANN abolish all but the geographical top-level domains, letting each country administer its own DNS servers under its own trademark laws."

Tomalak: Tweaking Slate.

Wall Street Journal: RealJukebox. Kleiner-Perkins invests in LinuxCare.

Josh Lucas asks if we need to connect PHP to XML-RPC. No.

Network Solutions: Customer Satisfaction Survey.

Wired: Volunteers to Fight Patent?

Rocky Mountain News: Simpler Domain Names?'s system adds the dot before the final three characters in a company's name. Holiday Inn's simplified domain -- holiday.inn -- would be all a surfer would need to type to find Holiday Inn's site.

Here's a PHP manual with annotations.

Santa Clara on Thursday: 8th Annual Silicon Valley Entrepreneur's Conference. "Discussions by venture capitalists, accountants, attorneys, commercial bankers, angel investors and investment bankers - all the information you need to guide you in buying, financing, selling or growing a business."

Washington on Wednesday: DC Frontier Users Group.

BusinessWeek: Can Backweb Soar? "Push, as we knew it two years ago, is dead. But the concept and the technology are alive, and maybe well, under a new guise."

Cringely: Hate.Com. "There are more Eric Harris' in more places like Littleton. Their Web pages absorb emotional energy that might instead go into killing people. These cries for help can be easily found with a search engine and a peer counselor. In this sense, the Internet is part of the solution, not the problem. Why would we ever want to shut these pages down?"

Lightyear Media has personal web server software for the Newton. This is an example of a Fractional Horsepower HTTP Server. People make fun of this idea, they're silly to do so, shows their ignorance, because HTTP is a powerful protocol, and it doesn't just have to be applied in the traditional client-server model.

Christoph Pingel reports that they have the same security problem with domain name registration reported yesterday by Charlie Jackson, in Germany.

MacWEEK: Live Picture on Ice.

NY Times: Parents Fears about the Internet. What a crock. The web did its job in the Littleton case, giving Harris the outlet for his ideas. The parents and police didn't read the website, that was the failure.

Wired: Lawsuits over Dirty Domain Names.

Chris Nolan on Buy.Com, HotMail and NetObjects. Merchants pull out of Amazon Auctions. "Like eBay, Amazon allows auction participants to post comments about both buyers and sellers, although only feedback from those who complete transactions with an auctioneer can influence their 'star' rating. Nevertheless, knowing that anyone could post commentary about, regardless of whether they'd done business with the retailer, worried chief executive Alessandro Mina."

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