Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Ideas for our

Author:Paul Hardwick
Posted:5/4/1999; 5:03:23 PM
Topic:Ideas for our
Msg #:5657
Prev/Next:5656 / 5658

Even if I only run Frontier to generate static pages and not in server mode I thought I'd add a suggestion (or two) for the next version of the software.

1-How about the ability to control the order of the display for the news sources. I'd like to at least be able to push specific sites toward the top or bottom depending on MY priority.

2-Allow user/creator to set a max line count for display or maybe max the display a scrolling text box if more than a max number of lines. Sometimes one or two sites can have a LOT of activity and take over the page.

This can first be set as a global for ALL news sources, then by the sites creator, and finally by the ind user.

3-If the user has more than X(can be set globally or by user) news sites being displayed, an index/jump-table can be created at the top of the page to go directly to a sites summary.

I assume that others have some ideas also. Lets throw them in the ring and see which ones inspire folks enough to make it into a future version. :-)


PS. Created with Frontier, of course.

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