Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 6/8/99

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:6/8/1999; 5:13:07 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 6/8/99
Msg #:7103
Prev/Next:7102 / 7104

DaveNet: Office 2000 is Not Fun. "Office shows development muscle and a tremendous coordinated resolve to overcome challenges, and this it does very well. But its imagination is missing in action. It takes no risks."

Jakob Nielsen comments on today's DaveNet.

Dan Gillmor: Creating Web-based Documents. "Manila is easy to use, but its enormous potential stems at least as much from other built-in features: among them, a calendar, which lets readers click on previous days' postings; a search engine; and discussion-group software. I hope to use Manila to produce a so-called Web-log, an online exploration of how I see the world (or at least the Web portion of it), in the relatively near future." Thanks Dan!

We've already designed the banner for Dan's Manila site.

WebMonkey reviews iCab.

WebMonkey for Kids.

CNN: Amazon Toying with Music.

News.Com: AOL Names NetCenter Manager.

Press release: Homestead Builds on Castanet.

Press release: Microsoft and Inprise Sittin in a Tree. $125 million.

John Udell: Distributed HTTP. "Peer-to-peer Web computing is the future. Why not start exploring the possibilities now?"

MacCentral: Apple's open source moves welcomed by BSD community.

This page was archived on 6/13/2001; 4:50:39 PM.

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