Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.
scriptingNews outline for 7/1/99
Author: Dave Winer Posted: 7/1/1999; 12:04:19 AM Topic: scriptingNews outline for 7/1/99 Msg #: 8011 Prev/Next: 8010 / 8012 Happy July! It's the month of BBQs and beer. It's hot hot hot. Outdoor weather. Wear your sunscreen.
David Gewirtz: Windows CE Power's Channels. "Each month, we need to produce about 27 articles of 1,000 to 2,000 words each, 12 tip mailings, and about 240 news stories. We need to generate hundreds of pages of HTML and about 230,000 lines of HTML code."
There's an article about David in US1 Magazine. It sounds like he's going into competition with Vignette! Right on.
Red Herring: Slashdot Founder Finds Fulfillment.
That reminds me, a little bird told me that Red Herring has an RSS file. For five points, anyone know where it is??
Denver Post: Town Celebrates Headless Critter.
Is the person who does a weblog a weblogeer? A weblogster?
MacWEEK: Linux and OS Politics. "My advice: Get out there and support Linux. As critical as I may sound of the OS, it's drawn an impressive following that is committed to evolving the OS continually. The question we have to ask ourselves as Mac OS users: Can Apple keep up?"
Oooops! InfoWorld.Com has a problem.
More on the flipside of the Cluetrain.
MacWEEK reports on Web99.
There are responses to this message:
- Re: scriptingNews outline for 7/1/99, Robert Brook, 7/1/1999; 3:56:54 AM
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