Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.
Today's scriptingNews Outline
Author: Dave Winer Posted: 7/15/1999; 8:13:14 AM Topic: Today's scriptingNews Outline Msg #: 8489 Prev/Next: 8488 / 8490 Dan Bricklin: "I've finally gotten permission from Lotus to put a copy of the original VisiCalc for the IBM PC (an internal Software Arts version with copy protection removed) on my site for download (but only if you read the license first)."
DaveNet: Dan Bricklin's VisiCalc.
John Foster is running VisiCalc on a Mac.
A new My.UserLand.Com Backend feature. We're keeping a historic archive of midnight snapshots of every channel. This could be used to seed a search engine or may be of use to historians if XML-based weblogs develop into something important.
Another new Backend feature. currentStories.xml is an XMLization of the current contents of the My.UserLand.Com home page.
MacCentral: AppleScript Primer.
Salon: "After nine years of building an operating system, Be is going public. But has the company figured out what it wants to be?"
News.Com: Oracle 8i users shrug off Net features.
CNN: The Evil and Traumatic Side of NT.
SJ Merc: "Apple Computer is set to unveil its revolutionary consumer laptop next week, which will combine cutting-edge design with new engineering techniques in a package priced below the company's existing PowerBook range."
Erin Clerico notices poor performance on UserLand.Com servers. We've noticed it too, and are working diligently to improve performance. I posted a response that explains where we're at in kernelizing Frontier 6.0 server functionality. It's interesting that we're filling in the same puzzle that Allaire is (see article below) but from opposite corners. We have content management nailed. Now we're scurrying to get our dynamic serving act together. It's all the same goal, reaching true web content Nirvana.
InfoWorld: Allaire developing XML-based content management. To be announced on July 21.
Whump.Com: XML for More Like This Web Log.
News.Com: Apple beats estimates. 7th consecutive profitable quarter.
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