Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

More on "Antique" Software

Author:Tom Clifton
Posted:8/3/1999; 3:27:10 PM
Topic:More on "Antique" Software
Msg #:9101
Prev/Next:9100 / 9102

Sorry about the pun.

It's a good thing that antique is in quotes. From Merriam-Webster <>

Main Entry: 1an·tique Pronunciation: (")an-'tEk Function: noun Date: 1530 1 : a relic or object of ancient times 2 a : a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period and according to various customs laws at least 100 years ago b : a manufactured product (as an automobile) from an earlier period

Following this definition, it's probably pretty hard to find truely "antique" software.

Having said that, I enjoy collecting old software, preferably still in the box in good shape, with all the manuals, disks, and registration cards, etc, intact.

Titles that I have picked up in the last year include Excel 1.06 (the last great version of Excel?), MacDraw, and More 1.0. Half the fun in owning these is the huge boxes and the advertising on them. MacDraw "Now supports Macintosh SE, Macintosh II, and AppleShare". "MORE is compatible with the 512K Macintosh, Macintosh Plus, Macintosh X/L, Switcher, LaserWriter, HFS, and prints in color with the ImageWriter II. Requires: an external disk drive, or a hard disk; a printer is recomended, but not required".

A definite trip down memory lane.

PS. The registration card for MORE is missing, but the registration number is MR705284. Ring any bells?

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