Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Re: DNS via XML-RPC: how

Author:Eric Soroos
Posted:12/3/1999; 11:25:54 AM
Topic:DNS via XML-RPC: Why?
Msg #:13418 (In response to 13417)
Prev/Next:13417 / 13420

The quickest way to do this is to use your qube as your canonical DNS machine.

1) Play with the DNS editing page from the qube admin interface, and pick out what their get or post is to add a machine. It's a pretty simple form, IIRC. Frontier could script this without breaking a sweat.

2) Set up your main (internic listed) dns servers to both be secondaries to the qube. Make the Qube the primary for your domain as seen by your main name servers only (this is what granite canyon suggests for their free dns hosting service). Nothing changes at internic, your publicaly visible name servers get their updates from your qube, and your qube doesn't see any more load. Of course, you could make your qube your primary if you wanted to.

It's not xml-rpc, but I'd bet you could be up and running in less than an hour.

BTW, if you need help with any bind 8 config files, I can probably help you. I've set up some pretty interesting name servers before.


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