Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Reached end of file

Author:Mark Gillingham
Posted:12/27/1999; 12:14:56 PM
Topic:Reached end of file
Msg #:13910
Prev/Next:13907 / 13912

Due to what we think is a bad interface card on the data server that my Frontier computer uses, Frontier has hung several times over the past week. The last time it did this one of my mR discussion groups gives the following error when the "default," or "people" pages are access, but the "public" pages work ok.

Sorry! There was an error: Can't complete the operation because Windows reported an error: "Reached end of file".

I must have a bad database, but I can't determine which one. I am able to open and close discuss, members, config, htmlInterfaces, and mainResponder. Where else should I look?

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