Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.
scriptingNews outline for 1/19/00
Author: Dave Winer Posted: 1/19/2000; 6:40:27 AM Topic: scriptingNews outline for 1/19/00 Msg #: 14609 Prev/Next: 14603 / 14610 AP: Film star Hedy Lamarr dies at 86. "Any girl can be glamorous," she once said. "All you have to do is stand still and look stupid." She was a beautiful smart gutsy woman. Thanks!
Internet Movie Database: Hedy Lamarr.
Wired: Lamarr had real star power. "At the height of World War II, Lamarr and her close friend, musician George Antheil, basically invented 'spread spectrum' technology, which is widely used today both in military communications security and cellular phones."
Jeremy Bowers has the neatest Manila trick I've seen. You can expand and collapse items on his home page, day by day.
Apparently Jeremy's site crashes Mac browsers. Some Mac users think we should only use features that work on Macs. Someday the Mac will catch up and we'll want to know how to do this stuff. Enough waiting. Buy Macs as web browsing machines with your eyes open. You won't be able to use all the sites on the web, until Apple catches up.
Does GeoWorks have a killer patent? Follow the story on WAP Today.
Yesterday we moved Weblog Monitor to Weblogs.Com.
We made it this far without a built-in way to upload files via FTP.
News.Com: TransMeta's new 700Mhz chip.
Linux Newbies: Case Sensitivity. "Let's say user Bob creates a file called penguin in his home directory. He could then create a file called Penguin. He then can, in turn, create a file called PENGUIN. All three of these, though they have the same name, are different files because of the distinction Linux makes between files with the same name but different case."
Who owns SpicyNoodles.Com?
Jakob Nielsen will be at PC Forum.
Mosquitos cracks the iSyndicate-in-a-scrollable-frame puzzle.
NY Times: Alpine Lookout on the World's Economy. "The resort, once a sanitarium for wealthy tuberculosis patients, may seem like an unlikely setting for confrontation over globalization and world trade."
ZDNet: Gassee's Linux-like gamble. "In a way, Linux helped us by opening minds and wallets to the fact that there is a world outside of the Windows OS."
Industry Standard: Markets are Conversations. "By listening, marketing will relearn how to talk."
2/21/95: "All my life I've placed the highest value, derived the most happiness, from simply being heard."
The XML-RPC mail list is being bombarded by a fellow named Phil Montgomery from Novell running some kind of vacation program. It's exponential. His stupid agent is responding to its own messages! Helllp. He's at a strategic conference in Atlanta. Maybe they need a new strategy? His cellphone number is included in the emails. 801-319-3537. I left him a voicemail last night. If anyone from Novell is tuned in, your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to turn the damned vacation program off.
Thanks for listening.™
There are responses to this message:
- stating the obvious for phil montgomery?, Piefke 3000, 1/19/2000; 8:17:41 AM
- Re: Vacation Mail, John VanDyk, 1/19/2000; 11:24:18 AM
- Ben Stiller on patents, Steve Ivy, 1/19/2000; 1:12:00 PM
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