Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 2/10/00

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:2/10/2000; 2:42:19 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 2/10/00
Msg #:14984
Prev/Next:14983 / 14985

DaveNet: Denial of Service.

US President Bill Clinton quoting his daughter: "Denial is not just a river in Egypt."

This is what CNN looks like in my browser. This totally unreadable, and no, I'm not going to make all the other sites I visit look bad by increasing the font size.

Dan Bricklin posted the demo script he used at Demo.

A beautiful Manila site.

USA Today: Top Ads Tickled, Tugged at Heart. "The Chicago widow, a former cosmetologist, stood at a fast-food restaurant counter with cohorts Mildred Lane and Elizabeth Shaw staring at a tiny hamburger on a huge bun. The burger was supposedly made by a Wendy's rival. 'Where's the beef?' Russian-born Peller barked in her foghorn voice."

Don Box: Inside SOAP.

Michael Benvento posts a proposal for WWW9.

I posted my own proposal, it's just one paragraph.

WSJ: As sites get hit, companies fortify. "In the wake of outages at Yahoo and other big sites throughout Tuesday, the entire Web industry was gripped by fear of becoming the next target. In that climate, any disruption was suspect."

NY Times: The Strength of the Internet Proves to be its Weakness. "Like the sorcerer's apprentice, the programs allow a small group or even an individual to spray a giant firehose of data at one or many targets, inundating a Web site's computers with data."

SJ Merc: It's a Wakeup Call. "The natural order is that there is going to be problems. In order to make something totally foolproof, you would have to make a world that I wouldn't want to live in."

9/3/99: "There are dozens if not hundreds of well capitalized companies trying to nail this one -- to find the formula that makes the web coalesce around a single site. Some have had stunning success but most have struggled to find an audience. I think the smartest business strategy is to embrace the distributed nature of the web, and build businesses that profit from this."

Fortunately no UserLand sites have been attacked. But my mailbox was trashed twice while I was traveling. I called the police and the cop who came said it's become a sport in my neighborhood. Who does it? I asked. Teenagers, he said.

David Theige's experiences with Manila.

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