Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Music on the music front

Author:Jacob Levy
Posted:6/26/2000; 12:22:53 PM
Topic:Music on the music front
Msg #:18116
Prev/Next:18115 / 18117

Here are some random news stories:

Had to happen! Read about it here. The story goes that a frustrated musician posted her songs on Napster while labelling them as Bruce Springsteen.. Yikes. Can't even believe your ears anymore.

Hard to believe but IRC still seems to beat Napster, Gnutella and the rest as far as ease of use, variety and availability of MP3 files.

Our next item is an Op-Ed piece in Wired about what Musicians and Artists could do to take advantage of the new way to distribute music.

And another Op-Ed that compares MP3 to drugs. Er...

Switching over to ZDNet, the next item tells about a way to recover the quality lost in converting music from analog to digital MP3 files.

It's starting to happen! The Internet actually works to promote unknown artists.. read about it first here! Nice photo, by the way :) IMHO this all women band had it made even before they hit their first syncopation.

Napster's apparently still looking for a few good lawyers. It recently beefed up its legal team with Milt Olin, formerly chief council of A&M records.

MSNBC carried this Op-Ed piece that opines that music downloads are bad for artists, listeners and record companies alike, and that we'll all lose out. Sure. And did you want that bridge I'm selling you wrapped in blue or red paper? :)

Apparently the above was a rebuttal to a previous Op-Ed that claims that Napster is the second coming. In purple prose, too! :)

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