Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Napster: yesterday's survey

Author:Jacob Levy
Posted:7/27/2000; 9:19:35 AM
Topic:Napster: yesterday's survey
Msg #:19190
Prev/Next:19189 / 19191

Yeah, people voted that Napster should be allowed to go on. That is, most people voted for what they wanted. No surprise. I did the same.

The real question is what does the law say. IMHO, not being a lawyer, Judge Patel had no option but to slap the injunction on, based on the evidence presented, and I'm 100% certain that the injuction will stand in the face of any appeal now being mounted by Napster Inc. If they're still around six months from now when this whole thing goes to trial, I'm 100% certain that the verdict will be to shut down Napster Inc., and slap them with debilitating fines. Their best option is to go out of business as soon as possible and avoid liability. There'll be noone left to sue!

Napster Inc. != Music Sharing, Scott Rosenberg says it best, IMHO.

Sorry for sounding so pessimistic. It's the law, and (unfortunately, etc etc.) the RIAA has the law on their side. They designed these laws to their own advantage and got congress to pass them, so again, this is no surprise.

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