Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 10/9/2000

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:10/9/2000; 5:14:35 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 10/9/2000
Msg #:21867
Prev/Next:21866 / 21868

New design on "". Already some problem reports.

Thomas Jensen and Chris Langreiter have XML-RPC for REBOL. Both are linked into the XML-RPC home page.

John Lim: Web Services with PHP using XML-RPC.

When I see a quote file I always check to see if I'm there. If I am, it gives me a pretty direct clue into the pov of the person who did the quoting.

Lynne Siprelle: The Tip Jar.

Jon Udell: From Messaging to Syndication.

Sheila: "Dave's evil twin is a Mariner's fan." Keep dreaming!

Information Week: "Just imagine advertising which said something like, 'In the future, we intend to remain the best, but we'll ensure your right to choose.'"

Why I Like XML: "I like XML because I like choice, not just for me, but for people who use my software."

BusinessWeek: When Software Wreaks Havoc.

Scientific American: Speech without Accountability.

Microsoft: Why Great Technologies Don't Make Great Products.

NY Times: Niche Radio Finds Its Footing on the Internet.

Sean Floyd: Random Fortunes in Manila.

BookNotes quotes Alice Walker. "No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow."

Frontier/Mac OS X update. Brent and Tim are working on it. We're getting close, we think. We're going to do a private beta with five or so Frontier experts to shake out the bugs. We think Mac OS X will be a great platform for running large Manila installations. The first beta could be ready sometime this week.

One reason to vote for Nader, even though he "can't win." If he gets five percent of the vote, in 2004, the Green Party will get money from the US Government.

I'm just about finished with the first "OPML" web app, which I talked about briefly yesterday. For every Weblogs.Com member with favorites, there is a static OPML file that links to the favorites file of each of the favorites that have favorites. Does it sound recursive? Of course, everything in OPML is recursive (that's one of the reasons outlines are interesting). I also have a nodetype for Radio UserLand that allows you to walk the network in a single window. When I have it all tied together I'll post a screen shot. It's easy to use, even though it probably sounds like it isn't. ";->"

More Doug Engelbart wisdom. Over and over he says we have to create a system for evolving our own system. That's why he calls his business the Boostrap Institute. Again, I have the same philosophy, though I didn't recognize it at first. I always believe the process is what I'm doing, not the software. Sometimes the process leaves bits of code and data out, so they can be added later, when it's clear how it should work. And sometimes a bit of code and data are just there to support experimentation, and later much more happens around the interfaces that are bootstrapped.

XML-Hack: W3C publishes XML 1.0 second edition.

ConsentCache is running a weblog covering privacy issues.

According to Luke today is Thanksgiving in Canada. Wow, that was quick. Pretty soon it'll be the New Year, and then what? Y2K++?

Survey: Has it snowed where you live yet?

According to the Curmudgeon, teams with three or more ex-Cubs cannot win the World Series. That's the Cub philosophy. The Gritty-but-Cheerful Losers of the National League. He says this is bad news for the Mets who have four ex-Cubs. Well, the Mets could lose of course. I don't think it's likely, but you never know with post-season play.

Survey: Which team will win the World Series?

Mail Starting 10/9/00. Nick Sweeney asks "Is the spirit of a team different from its philosophy?" Yes, of course. The spirit is what's below the surface of the emotions and physical presence. The spirit is the observer of all that. A philosophy involves the intellect, it's the conscious form of the spirit. A team's philosophy explains why you came to the game. What is it that you wish to explore with your team and the other fans?

The Mets are an unusual team in that we had a philosophy from Day One. Casey Stengel made sure of that. The Mets philosophy is that we don't have to win to be true to our philosophy. If not this year, it'll happen soon enough. Also part of the Mets philosophy is years of drifting in and out of love. But there always seems to be a Mookie or Benny just around the corner, to capture our hearts and pull it out in extra innings, regardless of how many ex-Cubs are on the team.

The Mets are not just like every other team. An essential element of the Mets Effect is the losing. So many fans walk out when their team loses. These are not fans, and teams with such people calling themselves fans cannot pretend to have any philosophic depth.

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