Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 10/18/2000

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:10/18/2000; 4:55:07 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 10/18/2000
Msg #:21876
Prev/Next:21875 / 21877

Don't look now, but the Frontier site has a new look. Now that it looks so pretty, I'm starting a rewrite of the home page. It's long overdue. ";->"

A theme is developing. Our witness is the cactus. On Scripting News he's in the desert southwest. On the Frontier site he visits Egypt (hence the pyramid hint I dropped a few days ago, heh heh he). I guess he'll be in the Philippines on the "Manila" site. Now, where else should our friendly cactus go? Fun and interesting places, I hope!

Wired: "Only Steve Jobs could turn a dreadful earnings forecast into an exciting and hopeful glimpse into the future."

Bill Humphries has an XSL stylesheet for "OPML" documents.

Adobe.Com has been hijacked. Thanks to CamWorld for the info, and a haunting email about how hard it has been to get Adobe in the loop. Here's what looks like this afternoon. (It's a hack, the links go nowhere.)

Python Labs: Python 2.0.

Financial Times: "The question of whether software should be patentable, which divides industry and governments alike, is to be formally addressed by the European Commission."

Thanks to Jim Roepcke for the screen shot of Scripting News on the OmniWeb browser on Mac OS X.

Jeff Shelton: Where does ZopeNewbies go from here? I think it's time for a Big Group Hug for Jeff, who totally embodies the spirit of both Manila and Zope (although I can't speak for either really). What a great job he's done. Now he wants some help, let's figure out how to make Zope Newbies better at serving the needs of the newbies, and at the same time keep it humane for whoever picks up the ball.

What is BountyQuest?

What is BrightIdea.Com?

Forbes: Zaplet snags $90 million. "Lotus will have to build their own unless [Zaplet's] patent will convince them to do a deal much like Microsoft licensed Java initially to make it part of the Web browser." Oy, I guessed that patents are at the core of their strategy. HTML email is a nice idea. I doubt if Zaplet invented it.

NY Times: "Still, Mr. Alsop insisted that he remained a big believer in the future of the Internet. 'This is an immutable thing," he said. "There are still plenty of multibillion-dollar firms left in our future.'"

John VanDyk's cat: "It sure is difficult to keep meowing for 45 minutes but he finally heard me and let met up."

Susan Kitchens: "On Saturday morning, 7 October, I ate breakfast and scribbled some notes before I went to see Ground Zero in the White Sands Missile Range near Alomogordo, New Mexico."

Oy yoy yoy. It's a Subway Series. BFD. The Mets have a philosophy. The Yankees suck. But here's the thing I will always love about NY -- its unapologetic arrogance. "New York City is back at the center of the baseball universe, where most of its citizens undoubtedly believe it should be." Now that's a philosophy. The Mets even in the bozo years, knew that we were in the eye of the storm, or the center of the universe, whatever you want to call it. When I went to high school I rode the 7 train to Grand Central, where I switched to the 4 train to the Bronx. So I am familiar with the route. I even rode it to the Bronx when the Mets won the World Series in 1969, when the Yankees fans were happy that the Mets won the series. Let me tell you this. No Mets fan will be happy if the Yankees win. The Times goes on to say "there is nothing inevitable about these Yankees." You got it babe.

To the many Mariners fans who read Scripting News, good job! An impressive team with lots of spirit. Someday the Mets will beat the Mariners in the World Series. I can feel it in my bones.

PS: I managed to get a *free* ticket to Thursday's game at Shea, it's game five, so it's pretty likely that unless the Mets sweep the Yankees I can go. Now it's a matter of finding the time. I think I can. NY here I come?

From Faisal's quote file, under U: "The true New Yorker secretly believes that people living anywhere else have to be, in some sense, kidding," attributed to John Updike.

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