Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 10/22/2000

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:10/22/2000; 6:28:03 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 10/22/2000
Msg #:21882
Prev/Next:21881 / 21883

The Web Standards Project website is back. "Some content, representing months of work, has been irretrievably lost, and many functions will need to be rebuilt from scratch." I've offered UserLand's help. WSP is important.

I know how WSP feels, I had another disk crash this afternoon on my desktop. I'm writing this on my new laptop, moving all the files I can get across. I hate computers.

I don't know how Zeldman feels, but his personal note is a reminder that when life calls, you have to answer. Best wishes to the Zeldman family and to Zeldman himself.

A story about the love of a mother.

The ICE working group has a cookbook that shows you, step by step, how to build an ICE server. It's in PDF format. This is the easy ramp to ICE we were looking for.

Survey: We're going to have a Scripting News dinner in Manhattan on Wednesday evening, with special guest Adam Curry. Will you participate?

I started a new discussion group for Wednesday's dinner.

I'm calling NY hotels now, they're all booked! Oy yoy yoy. (Postscript: We found a room at the Grammercy Park Hotel. It's cheap! So I went for a suite with a park view. I know the neighborhood, it's a great location. Happy.)

Now I'd like to focus on where we eat on Wednesday. Something Jewish please. Or maybe we make two stops, one for Jewish food and one for pizza? Somewhere around Houston or Delancey. Katz's? Ratner's? Or uptown (relatively) at the 2nd Avenue Deli? What do you think?

Adam has been playing around with HTML Directories and newsfeeds.

dot-geo is a "proposed new top-level domain name which has been submitted to ICANN by SRI International - .geo provides an open and scalable infrastructure to index, discover, and serve any information on the web based upon the latitude-longitude location of the data being referred to."


Welll, the Mets lost, and I'm sure I'm not the first to say they deserved to lose. Mistake after mistake, it was amazing that Mets went into the bottom of the 9th with a lead, and they could have won if not for more mistakes.

Base-running errors, wild pitches, why did they take out Franco? But it was close. The longest World Series game in history, of course, the Mets always win in extra innings. Not this time. OK, there's another game tonight.

I hope they have a talk about base-running in the Mets clubhouse. Base-runners run, they don't wait to find out if a ball is fair, and they don't trot around the bases for a ball might be a home run (it wasn't). I think, I hope the Mets get that it's not the Subway Series, it's the World Series. We haven't been in it since 1986. Let's win guys.

Dear readers, these lessons apply to everything not just baseball. When you hit a long ball, don't start celebrating until the umpire calls it a home run.

NY Times: "Zeile lofted a drive to left field and promptly pumped his arm as if he'd done something wonderful. Perez felt the same way, and meandered his way past second base." Ooops.

Listening to trivia 

Baseball is a total festival of trivia. Every fact is sliced and diced in twenty different ways to fill the time. Especially a marathon like last night's Mets-Yankees game.

While watching the game I thought about O'Reilly's P2P taxonomy. (I can feel some people cringe now, in a virtual sense, some don't like it when I talk about O'Reilly, but they're a public player and what they do is subject to comment. Thanks for remembering that.)

It could be sliced in different ways. How many of the apps on their page are for Unix and how many for Windows or Mac? Surprisingly a few are for Windows and Mac. Bravo! Somehow we managed to get included officially in O'Reilly's view of the software universe.

Another bravo -- they're not all open source either.

So, in a way I've gotten my wish. I wished that O'Reilly and other open source leaders would open the Holy Land, and let the rest of us in. Jon Udell says that Tim is a meme hacker, it's kind of clever, he didn't say we're cool like open source projects, but he did find a way to say we're cool anyway. Maybe at some time in the future open source will be a checkbox, not necessarily a seal of approval, just a fact about a piece of software, like what OS it runs on or how much memory it requires.

If you think these things aren't important, think again. I spent years trying to get included in Apple's view of the software universe, after having played some kind of role in getting the Mac accepted. Eventually I retired from software after realizing that nothing I did could make the magic inclusion happen. This was good, because it opened the space for me to become an Internet developer.

Finally the Internet can be even greater if we don't have to wait for the Unix guys to reinvent all the stuff we've already made. That's worth a slice of cheesecake, imho.


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