Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 10/24/2000

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:10/24/2000; 4:23:18 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 10/24/2000
Msg #:21884
Prev/Next:21883 / 21885

Evening pointers 

World Series game 3 is underway. In NY a sense of gloom that the bad guys are winning the World Series. I have no such feeling. Sure the Mets are in a tough spot. The Mets are always in a tough spot. That's the nature of the team. You might say it's part of their philosophy.

On the Syndication mail list a sense of gloom that the bad guys are winning the struggle for the soul of RSS. I have no such feeling. I'm sure they think they're doing the right thing. The term RSS already means something. Just because a handful of developers think they can redefine it don't make it so. Eventually they'll come to the table as reasonable people and work with us. I have no doubt about this.

Paul Reed is "working on an XML book for MS Press and am considering the benefit of having both a chapter on SOAP and another one on XML-RPC."

Newsweek: The Semantic Web. "The Web would never have happened if there had been a central point of control; if there had been, for example, central registration of Web sites for a fee."

Email on the Fortune piece 

I'm starting to get email from the Fortune piece, I guess the print version must be coming out?

Glad I asked for a pointer to I'm gettin smart in my old age, as my parents used to say I would. ";->"

Anyway, if you're coming here from Fortune, welcome! I update this site several times a day. If you liked what I said in Fortune, you'll probably also like this article, which expands on the theme; and this one, which explains why security isn't possible after childhood is over (it was just an illusion then, anyway), and check this one out too, which explains the power of forgiveness.

Now I mostly talk about software on this site, but software is mostly for human beings, so a little humanity comes into it every one in a while (actually all the time).

Afternoon notes 

Steve Gillmor has a long interview with Ray Ozzie.

Russ Lipton has an Ozzie interview on the Groove site.

Jon Udell has an interview on the O'Reilly site.

Other stories: News.Com, NY Times, WSJ.

Lots of old friends and familiar faces at the Groove launch. It was a good show, I wish they had skipped the partners' talks, they droned on and on and on about Disruptive Technologies and Peer to Here, the kinds of stuff that fills the pages of the trade rags.

The Q&A part was the best. They talked about competitors and I asked if they thought the competition would be compatible, and Ray said that they want to work out public protocols that they can support. Ray is also evangelizing XML-RPC and SOAP interfaces for network services.

Doc Searls is in NY too.

Groove launch 

These notes are from the early morning, before the launch event.

Ray Ozzie's Groove has launched. You can download the software, get some tools, and join their community. You guys are going to be ahead of me, I can't download the software on this slow line.

Here's my spin on it. Groove is a platform for development of tools you can use in a collaborative fashion across the Internet, like chat, or a discussion group, where the events that are distributed are user interactions, keystrokes, mouse clicks, etc. You could write a draw program or a PowerPoint clone that worked at this level. They have a simple outliner tool. As I understand it, the tools are specified in XML. It's possible to add-in functionality that connects through XML-RPC and SOAP. It allows long-term conversations, people can disconnect and then reconnect and get synchronized. The messages are encrypted, making it difficult for others to add compatible endpoints.

An example in our world, you could use Groove to collaborate on the development of a website. All the team members would be part of the project, and would fill in milestones and questions as the project goes forward. Now is this better than other approaches? I don't know, we'll give it a try for sure.

What's not to like? Well, it's Windows-only now, a Unix version is promised. And there are patents involved somehow.

Bottom-line: I like Groove. The product is nice to look at, appears to be well architected, and Ray and his team appear to be in it for the long haul, and want to work with others. This is refreshing, and patents or no patents, this deserves encouragement. Let's build a network of small technology developers whose products work well together. I can see Ray nodding as he reads this.

I'll write more later, now I'm going to head over to their launch event which is a few blocks from my hotel.

Livin in the city 

It's 7AM in NY, 4AM in California. Now I get it. I live on east coast time on the west coast. Manhattan is so noisy! There are huge construction sounds in the middle of the night even in a relatively quiet neighborhood. For some reason the sounds don't matter so much here.

I've already had pizza. At 11PM I went looking, didn't have to go too far, and as I remembered even random pizza places in NY have great stuff.

My new computer is very fine, but there's one annoying glitch. Every few seconds it stops echoing keystrokes and mouse clicks. Windows 2000, Sony Vaio. I have net connection, it does it whether or not I'm connected. It didn't do this when I was in Calif with a LAN-based connection. If you have any advice, send me email, this is driving me crazy.

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