Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 11/10/2000

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:11/10/2000; 5:00:41 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 11/10/2000
Msg #:21976
Prev/Next:21974 / 21977

DaveNet: Pull Back from Partisanship.

Debra Saunders: "It's hard to figure which is more disturbing: the fact that many of these people drive automobiles, even though they can't follow an arrow, or that so many people have been willing to go on television to admit that they misunderstood simple instructions, voted twice in the presidential election and didn't bother to correct their mistakes at the polling place."

New Manila feature: Open Updates Page. If you're running a Frontier server, Manila sites on your server can be listed on the Updates page. It's a way to build flow for your sites -- but it's your choice to turn it on or not. (It's off by default.)

Reuters: Bush says he's preparing an administration.

Orange County Register: "California has more than 1 million absentee ballots yet to be counted."

Reuters: Official tally has Bush ahead by 960 votes in Florida.

Reuters: New Mexico recount runs into glitch.

Washington Post: "Both sides need to step back, let the recount come in, and accept that final judgment for the sake of the country," said Panetta. "This may not be easy, but the interests of the country come first."

Mail starting 11/10/00.

Today's song: Crackerbox Palace. "Some times are good, some times are bad, that's all a part of life."

Larry Wall: "So maybe, if you're thinking about starting a war between the open source folks and the commercial folks, you should think again. First of all, you'll be fighting against a lot of good folks, and you'll probably lose. Second of all, you might win, and the world will be split up into separate atoms. Maybe that's what the hydrogens on the end want, but the carbons in the middle would really like to stick together and make something useful."

Seth Bokelman reviews TiVo.

NY Times editorial: "The sad reality is that ballot disputes and imperfections are a feature of every election. It will poison the political atmosphere if presidential elections, in particular, come to be seen as merely a starting point for litigation."

Eve Winer: "Educators are missing the point about homework. Homework is supposed to be a review of what has been taught in class to reinforce the concepts and ideas. It is not supposed to be new learning so that the parent then has to become the teacher." That's my mom. Smart.

Zeldman: "Stephen Kamsler shares this actual quote from American television last night: 'Next on CNBC, Jesse Ventura, Phil Donahue, and Jerry Falwell join Geraldo to talk live about Ralph Nader.' We guess Gallagher and Carrot Top had previous commitments."

Yesterday: "How many more steps before the whole thing unravels and people act on the realization that we've been electing actors ever since TV became the dominant medium?"

New Manila feature: Hits By Hour. "It displays how many hits your site received by hour, for the past 24 hours. This way you can see how your traffic patterns change throughout a given day."

New ranking: Badges.UserLand. "The tabulation is done in real-time, the table is sorted once a minute. It shows the top 100 sites with more than ten hits today that have the Manila site badge."

To include the badge in your Manila site, type this into your template: "This is a Manila Site".

Jake Savin has a question about the SOAP spec. "It seems as though the SOAP spec is ambiguous about empty arrays -- all of the examples of 'array' objects in the spec have at least one sub-element, and any array which has sub-elements must specify a type for the sub-elements."

Yo Andre! Happy Birthday. Spicy Noodles.

This page was archived on 6/13/2001; 4:56:56 PM.

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