Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.
scriptingNews outline for 11/18/2000
Author: Dave Winer Posted: 11/18/2000; 5:22:35 AM Topic: scriptingNews outline for 11/18/2000 Msg #: 21990 Prev/Next: 21989 / 21991
DaveNet: Soothing sounds of disenfranchisement.
One more time: Who will be the next President of the US?
Wes Felter has a graph of The Semantic Music Web. Ooops, Radio is an island unto itself. Better fix that!
NetDyslexia: "If you take your missspellings too serious it will end in a desaster. Belive me: Dogma 2000 isn't worth to think about it - it's just a behavior of well stuffed guys."
This year's innovation, Christmas Spam.
Is Dubya wearin a cowboy hat? Yes he is. MSNBC agrees. Funny he didn't wear em during the campaign. Looks presidential all righty. Al Gore surely wishes he thought to wear one. Meanwhile Dubya is attracting a different kind of advocate.
Mail starting 11/18/00.
Oh the weather outside is frightful. Not!
Happiness is another installment from Dr Matt.
New sample: A table of scripts that call into the Meerkat XML-RPC interface from Frontier or Radio.
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