Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

scriptingNews outline for 11/20/2000

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:11/20/2000; 5:19:34 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 11/20/2000
Msg #:21992
Prev/Next:21991 / 21993

White paper: Bootstrapping the Two-Way-Web.

Updated: Manila RPC interface.

Manila: How to enable the SOAP interface.

Fascinating results from yesterday's Netscape 6 survey. 13 percent say Netscape 6 works. 41 percent says it doesn't work but it's worth fixing. 24 percent say don't bother, MSIE has already won. On the other hand, 58 percent say they sometimes lie on surveys. ";->"

Welcome to AppleScriptCentral.Com.

Reuters: Intel Introduces Pentium 4. "The company said the Pentium 4 operates at speeds of 1.5 and 1.4 gigahertz, with room for achieving higher speeds in the future."

AP: Ben & Jerry May Leave Ben & Jerry's.

We're being pounded to oblivion this morning by the search engine crawlers. If there are any engineers from search engine firms tuned in, can we please tune up the connection with content management systems so you get the freshest stuff without having to read every bit of content on all 10,000 of our sites? We started a mail list to discuss this, but so far, the right people haven't shown up.

Something weird is going on between the search engines and Disturbing Search Requests, documented on NetDyslexia.

To my friend Jon Udell, who believes the Unix world must catch up with Microsoft in application integration, I say let's do new stuff. Unix is an ideal server environment. Everyone knows that. Let's beef it up to be the perfect cloud for the Two-Way-Web. Doing what Microsoft has already done is ho-hum and hard. Let's shake the earth.

More fascinating juxtaposition on CNN. What is Gore thinking while Dubya waves at us so jovially?

Over the weekend Peterme ran a cleverly captioned picture of Florida Secretary of State Kathleen Harris.

Cabinet often makes me smile. ";->"

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