Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Errors in serviceList2.xml

Author:Alex Chaffee
Posted:12/8/1999; 8:01:19 AM
Topic:Update on My.UserLand.Com
Msg #:13497 (In response to 5883)
Prev/Next:13496 / 13498

First, let me say that I'm really excited about this whole RSS/ Syndication thing.

Second, let me point out that in serviceList2.xml, the "format" field is often incorrect, listing as "RSS1" files that are actually in RSS0.90 format. The docs say, " is one of four strings, RSS, RSS1, scriptingNews or unknown. If the value is RSS, then the file format was the first version of RSS, otherwise known as 0.90, if it's RSS1, it's the 0.91 version of RSS..."

For example, slashdot.rdf is clearly a RSS0.9 file, yet it's listed as RSS1.

I suppose your Frontier scripts don't care, but some day, some other scripts might... Perhaps mine...

Cheers -
- Alex

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