Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Today's scriptingNews Outline

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:12/22/1999; 5:09:56 AM
Topic:Today's scriptingNews Outline
Msg #:13820
Prev/Next:13819 / 13821

EditThisPage.Com: A holiday gift from UserLand.

A brief history of EditThisPage.Com.

A really simple but beautiful ETP.Com site.

Good news! Two new servers arrived at Exodus today. Now we can do an A-B comparison. First, here's a picture served by Conxion. Here's the same picture served by Exodus.

Survey: Which is faster?

There's a new release of Mozilla today.

Heads up to the people hosting the old style weblog banner ads.

Heads up to all the people pointing to the story about John Rocker. It's a scam. A few years ago the baseball owners decided to bring elements of professional wrestling into their sport. In addition to being a fine pitcher, Rocker is also an actor.

David Carter-Tod is working on a My.UserLand affiliate for ASP.

Happy Holidays to Scripting News readers!

Object-oriented database manifesto. Interestingly, one of the authors, David Dewitt, was a professor of mine at UW-Madison. I did the first version of the object database in Frontier when I was a grad student there in the 1970s.

This is an Elvis Costello morning. "What a good year for the roses."

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