Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Software as craft and art

Author:Russell Lipton
Posted:7/31/2000; 8:34:51 AM
Topic:Software as craft and art
Msg #:19296
Prev/Next:19295 / 19297

I had guessed that Userland was much as Dave unveiled it today (remember, I am a newbie), but want to express my sincere appreciation for his (your) honesty and, more, dedication - something that can be sensed in the software itself.

(That would make an interesting topic, wouldn't it - the way that you can smell-taste-sense craftsmanship in software ... or not. I feel the same is true for Perl and Python, for instance. Craftsmanship, art(ifice) and a certain je-ne-sais-quoi personal idiosyncratic touch converge together as part of the fun).

Regrettably, I haven't been able to find a business reason (yet, I'm working on it, talking to a news magazine) to purchase Frontier and can't afford to purchase it personally, alas, though I help a non-profit that could get a copy (by the way, that is another example of tremendous generosity on Userland's part).

(My golf internet business relies on Notes and we are struggling to keep ourselves afloat at the moment.)

I do have an informal deal with Dave to pick up a free copy of Frontier if Userland adopts the white paper I'm working on (more progress at and still looking for feedback and help from you all).

Sorry to be so personal about this but Dave started it ... ;-)

Anyway, my real point is this encourages me to look for more occasions to contribute back while all of us look for ways to make the software business more honorable than the scam it is so much of the time.

Thanks again, Dave, as well as those of you who contribute so much challenging and useful stuff here.

aka HeadDuffer

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