Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

FirstFilter, PageFilter, FinalFilter

Author:Philip Suh
Posted:12/18/1998; 4:36:12 PM
Topic:FirstFilter, PageFilter, FinalFilter
Msg #:1452
Prev/Next:1451 / 1453

At 1:59 PM -0600 12/18/98, John VanDyk wrote:

> If pageFilter acts on bodytext, and finalFilter acts on renderedtext, what > is the equivalent for FirstFilter to act on? > > The docs mention the first two but not the latter.

At that point the data in the page that is about to be rendered is still in your webpage. It's accessible at adrPageTable^.adrObject^.

> I would like to do some work with the text of my page before it's touched > by the renderer.

Actually, pagefilter would be appropriate. In pagefilter, adrPageTable^.bodytext is the body of your page, minus directives. No process has been done.

This all happens in html.buildObject (). Here's a summary of what happens:

build pagetable

handle binary objects


render Object (this runs all directives and returns the page text minus directives)

double-check file path related directives


insert pagetext into the template

process macros

handle relative addresses

add the #pageheader template

add fatpage comment




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