Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Today's scriptingNews Outline

Author:Dave Winer
Posted:7/30/1999; 6:35:51 AM
Topic:Today's scriptingNews Outline
Msg #:8914
Prev/Next:8913 / 8915

Last night, thanks to brilliant detective work by Lawrence Lee, we had the open letter from Microsoft et al to Steve Case, at least twelve hours before other major news sites. This happens from time to time, we network with the very best loggers and insiders and often get the story first.

If you want to be in our tightest loop, sign up for Scripting News bulletins via email and catch the scoops and the continuing story of the Internet industry thru the latest (also the oldest) push technology -- email. Over 400 people have already signed up. It takes less than a minute, and it's super-easy to opt out.

PythonWare: PythonWorks is a rapid development environment for Python, authored by Fredrik Lundh, a regular here, and the pioneer of XML-RPC for Python.

FreeMac.Com, which is not affiliated with Apple Computer, will be giving away 1 million iMacs, starting this fall, according to their website.

Newsweek: Sex and the iBook. "He makes his living baiting people who take themselves too seriously, and you guys fall for it every time!"

The Hunger Site will donate a free meal to a starving person for every unique visitor to this page each day.

MacWEEK: Rocket in the House. "According to Lucent Technologies, which worked with Apple on AirPort, the device will implement the next generation of the 802.11 standard. Tentatively called 802.11b, the standard provides both higher data speeds and backward compatibility for 802.11 devices."

Red Herring: Microsoft Critics Say AOL Should Open Up. A surprising list. Philippe Kahn, Gary Reback, Bob Frankenberg. "If Microsoft critics are behind it, that's a strong signal that the rest of the market believes AOL needs to embrace the openness of the Net." Key point: Microsoft is no more open than AOL.

InfoWorld: Controversial software law proposed. "The UCITA deregulates product licensing and covers software, multimedia interactive products, data and databases, and the Internet and online information. It further allows vendors to disable software remotely as a means for repossessing products; makes shrinkwrap licensing terms more enforceable; prevents license transfers from one party to another without vendor approval; outlaws reverse engineering; and lets vendors disclaim warranties."

Inc: The Best Business Plan on the Planet.

CNN: US Plans Y2K Bunker. "The White House said Wednesday that it was weighing a long-term plan to tighten U.S. defenses against threats to government and private computer networks. Disclosure of the draft plan, which would give the FBI a lead role, triggered concern that it would threaten privacy and civil liberties."

Cringely: "AOL feels betrayed, its $180+ million investment in ICQ made potentially worthless overnight."

InfoWorld, 12/97: Microsoft submits buddy-list spec. "Missing from the list of supporters are Netscape and AOL; the two teamed up in October to offer Instant Messenger service, which uses AOL's existing buddy lists to let users know when other Instant Messenger users are online."

Terry Teague: Tidy for Mac OS.

Wired: Reader comments on yesterday's editorial.

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