Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Finding XML standard DTDs

Author:Dan Lyke
Posted:11/19/1999; 12:40:49 PM
Topic:Finding XML standard DTDs
Msg #:13220
Prev/Next:13219 / 13221

With all the talk about RSS and other XML formats, this may be the right place to start looking.

I want to write a calendar/event aggregator. I'm building a couple of scrapers to go to various user's group, training, and similar web sites and watch mailing lists to try to discern when the next cool happenings are, what they cost, and a small summary of the event and subject matter. Obviously this has personal application, but I think a web site that aggregates this stuff will also be useful.

In talking with a few site publishers (I'm obtaining express permission for republication) it seems like most would be happy to publish an XML file with all this information in it as well.

The issue is that I don't know where to start looking for a stock DTD on which to base my work. Surely someone's already done this? If not, do we need a CPAN like system for searching and maintaining so that if others have already done some of this work we can keep up to date on it?

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