Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Re: Should-I-Use-XML

Author:Paul Snively
Posted:12/21/1999; 9:22:18 AM
Topic:Today's scriptingNews Outline
Msg #:13791 (In response to 13785)
Prev/Next:13790 / 13792

I think XML is about as useful as the tools are, and how useful that is depends to a huge degree upon what you wish to do.

Recently I've had to do a lot of third-party site wrapping in Java, i.e. be an HTTP client and extract some information from a site for further use.

Thanks to some pretty spiffy tools, here's a Java function to compute the shipping cost for UPS service to a residential address in the United States, assuming that you provide your own packaging:

public static double getShippingCost(String method, int srcZip, String destCity, int destZip, int weight) throws WeaselAppException
  StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer ("");
  double result = 0.0;

  query.append("13_product=" + method + "&");
  query.append("15_origPostal=" + new Integer(srcZip).toString() + "&");
  query.append("20_destCity=" + URLEncoder.encode(destCity) + "&");
  query.append("19_destPostal=" + new Integer(destZip).toString() + "&");
  query.append("23_weight=" + new Integer(weight).toString());

  Path path = Pwd.lookup(query.toString());
  Document doc;
  Node node;
    doc = LooseHtml.parseFile(path);
  catch (IOException ex)
    throw new WeaselAppException(ex.getMessage());
    node = XPath.find("//text()[contains(., \"TOTAL RATE:")]/ancestor::td/following-sibling::td/text()", doc);
  catch (XPathParseException ex)
    throw new WeaselAppException(ex.getMessage());

  String resultString = node.getNodeValue().substring(1, node.getNodeValue().length()); // Drop leading $
  result = Double.valueOf(resultString).doubleValue();

  return result;

It's just a few lines, and the only interesting ones are the Pwd.lookup, LooseHtml.parseFile, and XPath.find ones, because they implement opening an HTTP stream, parsing HTML into a DOM-compliant structure, and doing an XPath query, respectively. The rest is just parameterization and exception handling.

The assumption about the page that comes back is that there's a text element somewhere that contains "TOTAL RATE:", that there's a above it, that the has a following at the same level, and that the text element in within that contains a $ followed by a string that can be converted to a double.

It took me a lot longer to write this message than it took to write the above code. I can't think of any better explanation as to why "XML" is cool, but I put "XML" in quotes because XML per se didn't make the above code that easy to write; the ready availability of XML/HTML parsers, DOM implementations, and XPath implementations did. Incidentally, the above code was written using Resin, from <>, as the XML/HTML/DOM/XPath implementation. As I've posted here before, you could do something extremely similar using Frontier by "importing" the HTML into a table and using UserTalk's ODB navigation commands to search for/extract the desired information.

XML is cool because there are so many big brains who think it's cool enough to write cool tools for. No better reason, no worse reason.

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