Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.
Today's scriptingNews Outline
Author: Dave Winer Posted: 12/21/1999; 2:04:28 AM Topic: Today's scriptingNews Outline Msg #: 13785 Prev/Next: 13784 / 13786 UserLand is going to have a nice Holiday Gift for the Web tomorrow. Something fun to ring in the New Millennium. EditThisPage.Com webmasters will like it toooo. ";->"
I must have been asleep while the rest of the web figured out how to do client-side includes. I first asked for client-side includes three years ago. You can't hurry love!
Jim Louderback: "The new AirPort cards are here, and easily install in iBook, G4 and the latest crop of iMacs. The cards are only $100, which is also a significant price break. Even better, they really do deliver performance equivalent to 10 MB per second Ethernet."
Dan Gillmor lists the top ten good things that happened in technology in 1999. But Dan, what about Edit This Page??
The people have spoken. 68% believe that George W. Bush is disgusting.
Microsoft is looking for SOAP evangelists. "If you've ever wondered what it would be like to work with the hottest dot-coms such as,,,,, and many others - Here's your chance!"
Now some evangelism of my own. As you can see from the impressions and clicks report, we're doing significant brand-bulding for the weblogs by including the banner ads on many UserLand.Com sites. It's easy to add the banners to your own sites. Please help the weblogs, the ads are colorful and the sites are personal and interesting.
Salon's Scott Rosenberg: "Amazon was once a company that embraced the happy calculus of the 'network effect' -- the ability the Internet has to multiply the value of everyone's contribution to it, whether you are a book buyer writing a review on Amazon's sites, a bookselling partner in Amazon's co-op program or an investor in the company's stock."
The Should-I-Use-XML debate continues. "If I'm going to create a text-based format, I either use XML or re-invent something that does exactly what XML does."
Kate Adams: "To hell with John Malkovitch! I'd pay a lot of money to get inside Dave Winer's brain for 15 minutes. And come out alive!" It's actually pretty interesting in here.
I had an interesting phone talk with Kate this morning about a Manila Storytelling Festival. Also talked with Jimmi Johnson today. He has a wired warehouse in San Rafael. Also talked with Kate about how Manila is going to be a back-door sell, like the Apple II was. I'm becoming more convinced of this.
With isp.root you can run a Manila site hosting service.
More ads on Weblog Monitor. Keep em comin!
There are responses to this message:
- Re: Should-I-Use-XML, Paul Snively, 12/21/1999; 9:22:18 AM
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