Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Bug in Date() routine in 4.11?

Author:Maarten Festen
Posted:1/3/2000; 8:37:09 AM
Topic:Bug in Date() routine in 4.11?
Msg #:14017
Prev/Next:14016 / 14018

Hi all (and Dave in particular),

I'm using Frontier 4.1 on PowerMac G3 and discovered an interesting (Y2K?) bug. I often have dates parsed from weird formats to DD-MM-YY and since this year, I see strange behaviour when using Date() to do this.

My date format in the control panel is on Dutch (DD-MM-YYYY). Up to last week, dates put in as DD-MM-YY with YY between 40 and 90 coerced fine, but since the start of the new year the statement: Date( "27-11-48" ) yields "21-10-1912; 17:31:44" whereas earlier (in 1999) it would yield: "27-11-1948; 0:00:00"

Tell me, is this a genuine Y2K bug? Is it a known bug or is it a respected feature? If the latter, what am I missing? Will there be a fix for this, even though it's unsupported software by now?

Sincerely, Maarten J. Festen (Frontier User since version 2!) Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.

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