Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Napster and France Court

Author:Karl Dubost
Posted:7/26/2000; 7:49:04 AM
Topic:Napster and France Court
Msg #:19095
Prev/Next:19094 / 19096

In a french article at

Pierre Forest was interviewed. He's a responsible at SESAM. SESAM is the grouping of the Authors Societies in France for music (SACEM), multimedia, etc.

"Pour l'heure, nous [...] amassons des informations en vue d'eventuelles poursuites judiciaires. Nous [...] suivons les gros comptes sur Napster en recuperant leur adresse IP. La localisation d'une machine connectee via le cable n'est pas difficile. Nous pourrons ensuite engager des actions judiciaires contre les personnes soupconnees de faire du trafic de copies illegales de musique "

Free translation...

"At that time, we're accumulating information with the focus do law pursuits. We're watching the big Napster accounts by IP addresses. The machine localization for a cable connected computer is not difficult. We will be able to sue people for traffic of illegal music copies".

There's also an other problem at this time. There's an action from french associations against Yahoo! because they permit the access to french people at the Yahoo! Auction site, which is selling NAZI objects or books like "Mein Kampf". It's forbidden in France. So the associations want that Yahoo! block french IPs on these auctions... silly because technically unmanageable....

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