Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Re: Why MacOS X Server?

Author:Bruce Hoult
Posted:4/10/1999; 7:17:54 AM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 3/11/99
Msg #:4931 (In response to 3989)
Prev/Next:4930 / 4932

Wes, there's more to the Mac than copying the style of the Mac. Ask a PhotoShop user about the difference between the mouse on Windows and the mouse on the Mac. Apparently this is below the noise level for people like you and me who deal mostly with text. But if you're doing intense pixel work in paint mode, you feel it.

Here's a wierd example of that.

A friend of mine is a real Minesweeper star and also an anti-Mac bigot. Does the hardest level in under 100 seconds pretty consistently. One day he came around and I was showing him the (then) new Virtual PC 1.0. Of course he tried MineSweeper.

After a couple of warmup games he turned in his fastest time ever. He tried it again. No fluke.

The Mac mouse tracking is just that much more precise.

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