Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Re: Want to tell the list?

Author:Aaron Swartz
Posted:9/4/2000; 2:36:13 PM
Topic:scriptingNews outline for 9/2/2000
Msg #:20839 (In response to 20835)
Prev/Next:20838 / 20840

a few users of the format don't seem to want or need the new additions to RSS.

Nobody's forcing them to use them! I've spoken with Lynn -- if she wants to provide simple information, she can. They're called options -- we're trying to make them available in the best way we can. For RSS to continue development, it will need a way to be extended. Namespaces are (as far as I can tell) the best way to do this without centralization and bottlenecks.

go make a new format, but don't call it RSS becasue it isn't.

That's the real question. As I've been trying to say, I think it is RSS and the format you guys see is not. What does RSS stand for? RDF Site Summary. Hearing the comments from Dan Libby, the author of the original spec makes this clear. RDF was intended from the beginning, it was removed and more syndication-type/weblog features were added at Dave's request. If you guys want a format to do Really Simple Syndication, I have no problem with that. Just understand that it's different than what we're trying to do, which is RDF Site Summary. RSS never has (and probably never will) stand for Really Simple Syndication. That is why we feel that the use of the RSS name is the correct thing to do.

Perhaps the best solution is for both of us to choose new names, so that the purpose of each is clear.

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