Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

WuName needs a home

Author:Nick Dimmock
Posted:12/6/1999; 4:45:36 AM
Topic:WuName needs a home
Msg #:13452
Prev/Next:13451 / 13453

Hi - the Buchan Foundation are looking for a new home for WuName, their Wu-Tang name generator (as mentioned on It's getting too many hits for our current server. The latest logstats read like so:

#reqs: 147015 - and further logs are available at What we're looking for now is somewhere to host the page and the perl script - which you will obviously be able to vet and request changes to as necessary. In return, we will of course provide links to wheresoever you please. Any offers of help would be gratefully received - WuName is still attracting a lot of interest, and it's annoying that it's been taken down at this time. I can't provide a link to the page, because the webmaster hasn't even put up a redirect or an explanation - it's just been denied completely due to the server hit. But, you know, I assure you it's popular, funny and reasonably clean.

If you think you can help us out, please mail:

-Many thanks,


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